Warren Kinsella Twitter

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After all these years of making an ass of himself you’d think Warren Kinsella would cut his losses and find refuge in an unmarked grave.

  1. Edmontonsun.com — Author of the article: Warren Kinsella Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau bump elbows after she delivered the federal budget in the House of Commons in Ottawa on Monday, April 19, 2021. Photo by Sean Kilpatrick /THE CANADIAN PRESS Article content “Mr. Speaker, I rise today to table the 2021-22 budget of the Government of Canada.
  2. Warren Kinsella, Toronto, Ontario. 2,366 likes 409 talking about this.

But if past history is any guide, the egomaniacal poseur actually enjoys his many moments of public humiliation.

Take, for example, the time he blogged about a visit to Ottawa in 2009:

“Back in the Big Owe for a couple weeks, so what better way to kick things off than with some BBQ cat and rice at the Yang Sheng, hangout of our youth? Yay!”

BBQ cat?! From the guy who had Doc Martened Mark Steyn for referring in his column to the Chinese as “chinks” and “gooks?”

So when the Toronto Chapter of the Chinese Canadian National Council demanded an apology, Kinsella immediately caved, posting an abject YouTube grovel: “To any Chinese Canadian offended by what I said, again, I sincerely apologize.”

Then there was the time the self-appointed Printh of Darkneth, having successfully sucked his way onto Olivia Chow’s mayoral campaign, shot his mouth off about John Tory’s SmartTrack transit plan as being “segregationist.”

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Exit Kinsella, in a cloud of hen shit and pecker dust.

And who can forget the time the Great Feminist™ hyucked in a photo caption that Tory MPP Lisa MacLeod should be home “baking cookies” instead of attending a political event.

Warren Kinsella Twitter

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Cue the humiliation and ensuing apologies.

Warren Kinsella Twitter

Last week, Kinsella launched his latest exercise in self-abasement: #LookAtMeToo came replete with breathless predictions of dire consequences for the “creeps and criminals slithering through Canadian corridors of power…[who] will soon be going down.”

“One of these men is very, very powerful. The stories have been known about him for three years. His name will shock you.”

Mark Bonokoski, Kinsella’s brother-in-arms at the Toronto Sun, joined in the wink-wink-say-no-more, hinting that Kinsella was referring to Justin Trudeau, who might well be outed “within hours.” When CTV gumshoe Mercedes Stephenson asked the PM if there might be anything in his own past he’d like to maybe get ahead of, he doubled down, declaring his always-careful respect for the headspace of peoplekind, or something similar.

Warren Kinsella Twitter

Then came, er, nada.

Kimcella Twitter

Well, pre-doomed PMO sluggo Claude-Eric Gagne, placed on pig leave back in December, made his resignation official. But his name came as more of a who dat? than a shock. And “very, very powerful?” Pfft.

In the runup to this letdown, Kinsella had, of course, been only too happy to exploit long-forgotten rumours that Trudeau once had a consensual legover with Another Woman and, well, that’s it!

This tattle may have been as stale as yesterday’s cheese balls, but Kinsella managed to double his self-pleasure with his moment in the spotlight: He made life briefly miserable for his old nemesis, Gerry Butts, plus, he got to prance about on his #MeToo high horse.

But even that blew up in his pasty face when anonymous Liberals launched a Twitter account and released some of the juicier bits from Kinsella’s divorce from Suzanne Amos. Among the classics:

“Saturday night, June 19, 2010, was the first evening Warren had all four of his children together since late March 2010. He left them home alone that evening while he went to an Iggy Pop concert.”

“When Suzanne was at the cottage this summer, she found that Warren had installed a padlock on the cottage, and he used a wood burning instrument to engrave his initials into every piece of furniture there…”

Even as a public pantsing, this was fourth-rate. That well-read court file has circulated around Ottawa for years, and Frank apologizes for repeating such dated dish about such tiresome twats (stalwart allies of the sisterhood, shurely?!–ed.)

— Musings —01.05.2021 09:22 PM

If less than half of one per cent are vaccinated, and places like Ontario are about to run out of vaccine, what does that tell you? It tells you the failure is federal. #coronavirus#cdnpolipic.twitter.com/7pIltLR0Hv

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— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) January 6, 2021


Lisa Kirbie

  1. The federal governments obsession with creating doubt about the provinces ability to administer the vaccines is petty. Especially given reasons you have stated.

    It feels like the feds are trying to get revenge after Doug Ford went public over the number of Covid cases entering through the border.

  2. Hey WK – not wanting to beat a dead horse – but WTF – where the hell is Patty Hajdu and why is she not taking any heat?? Fuck me – she should have been gassed months ago – Incompetent on a good day.

    • She is telling the media that she is “disappointed” at vaccination delivery times at the provincial level.

      Just like Trudeau saying he is “frustrated” at the provinces roll out. Imyfone whatsapp recovery mac.

      This is maddening, a federal government has a acquired a tiny amount of vaccines, but is spending most of its time coordinating a campaign to discredit the provinces.

      • Nick,

        I’m pretty sympatico with our illustrious federal government what with being disappointed that they remain, at the highest levels, totally inept on a good day and frustrated that our Prime Minister doesn’t know any better that they should serially kick some ass. He’s too busy coasting and passing the buck for self-evident, monumental, Trudeau government incompetence. Ah, TheTrudeauBrand at its very best.

        • Trudeau’s brand remains strong.

          He’s still laughing at us. Twerk it busta lyrics.

          • Douglas,

            We’ll see who gets the last laugh.

  3. Got tested yesterday afternoon because I had several symptoms. Shazam full. Pretty sure I’m OK, but just being careful. So impressed with the professionalism of the nurses and doctors. It felt safe and well organized. I was in and out in about 20 minutes.

    • FE,

      Good luck and stay well.

  4. Who cares! I just bought a DIY covid vaccine off the internet for $150.
    I injected myself and I feel great and have been travelling care free now for a week

    • I’m waiting for the punchline.

  5. The Toronto Star launched it vaccination tracker https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2021/01/07/covid-19-vaccine-tracker-tracing-every-dose-of-the-coronavirus-vaccine-administered-in-canada.html?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMedia&utm_campaign=National&utm_content=

    No province has used more the 70% of thier vaccine. Overall I looks like less the 50% distributed. Ontario no where near running out of vaccine. The fairure is provincial.

    • Still keeping track?

Warren Kinsella Twitter Account

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