Ferroelectric Fet

  1. Ferroelectric Fet
  2. Ferroelectric Semiconductor
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Downscaling ferroelectric field effect transistors by using ferroelectric Si-doped HfO2. Clark — Emerging Applications for High K Materials. Researchers at NaMLab have published a paper in the prestigious journal Nature Electronics. Two-Dimensional Simulation of Ferroelectric Nonvolatile Memory Cells K. Selberherr Institute for Microelectronics, TU. 2N7000-D26Z, Enhancement Mode N-Channel MOSFET, Fairchild Semiconductor Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistors (FET) are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS.

полевой транзистор, ПТ
- barrier-gate FET
- bi-FET
- bulk FET
- bulk-channel FET
- channel-injection FET
- collector FET
- common-drain FET
- common-gate FET
- common-source FET
- depletion mode FET
- double-gate FET
- electron-conducting FET
- enhancement mode FET
- epitaxial-diffused FET
- ferroelectric FET
- floating-gate FET
- gallium-arsenide FET
- gallium-nitride FET
- grounded-drain FET
- grounded-gate FET
- grounded-source FET
- heterojunction FET
- heterojunction-gate FET
- hole-conducting FET
- induced-channel FET
- infrared metal-oxide-semiconductor FET
- insulated-gate FET
- internal-channel FET
- junction FET
- junction-gate FET
- metal-gate FET
- metal-insulator-semiconductor FET
- metal-oxide-semiconductor FET
- metal-oxide-silicon FET
- metal-Schottky FET
- microwave FET
- modulation doped FET
- monolithic FET
- multichannel FET
- multilayer-gate FET
- n-channel FET
- p-channel FET
- photoconductive FET
- photosensitive FET
- pinched-base FET
- planar FET
- p-n-junction FET
- punch-through FET
- remote-cutoff FET
- resonant-gate FET
- Schottky-barrier FET
- Schottky-gate FET
- self-aligned gate FET
- short-channel FET
- short-gate FET
- single-channel FET
- submicron gate FET
- surface-channel FET
- two-gate FET
- two-junction FET
- uniform-channel FET
- vertical FET
Ferroelectric Fet

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Ferroelectric Fet

  • Fet — Blason de Fet Localisation de Fet dans le Akershus … Wikipédia en Français Imymac cleaner download.

  • Fet — Fet, v. t. [OE. fetten, feten, AS. fetian; akin to AS. f[ae]t a journey, and to E. foot; cf. G. fassen to seize. [root] 77. See {Foot}, and cf. {Fetch}.] To fetch. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] And from the other fifty soon the prisoner fet. Spenser.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • FET — can mean: *Falkirk Environment Trust *Family Effectiveness Training *Fast Expression Templates *Federation of Environmental Technologists *FET, a Mazda piston engine *Field effect transistor in electronics *Flaming Eternity *Free Evolutionary… … Wikipedia

  • FET — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda FET puede referirse a: Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS, el nombre del partido único de la España franquista; Field effect transistor, transistor de efecto campo en inglés. Obtenido de FET Categoría:… … Wikipedia Español

  • fet´id|ly — fet|id «FEHT ihd, FEE tihd», adjective. smelling very bad; stinking. SYNONYM(S): malodorous, noisome. Also, foetid. ╂[< Latin foetidus < foetēre to smell] –fet´id|ly, adverb. –fet´id|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary

  • fet|id — «FEHT ihd, FEE tihd», adjective. smelling very bad; stinking. SYNONYM(S): malodorous, noisome. Also, foetid. ╂[< Latin foetidus < foetēre to smell] –fet´id|ly, adverb. –fet´id|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary

  • Fet — Fet, p. p. of {Fette}. Fetched. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fet — Fet, n. [Cf. feat, F. fait, and It. fett? slice, G. fetzen rag, Icel. fat garment.] A piece. [Obs.] Dryton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • FET — steht für: Fachgesellschaft für Ernährungstherapie und Prävention Feldeffekttransistor in der Elektronik aus radioaktivem Fluor 18 hergestelltes Fluorethyltyrosin, ein Tracer für die Positronen Emissions Tomographie (PET) in der Nuklearmedizin… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fet — fȅt [b] (II)[/b] m DEFINICIJA tisk. podebljani, masni tisak; bold ETIMOLOGIJA vidi fet [b] (I)[/b] … Hrvatski jezični portal

  • fet|tu|ci|ne — fet|tuc|cine or fet|tu|ci|ne «FEHT uh CHEE nee», noun. 1. Italian noodles, made in strips or ribbons; flat, thin noodles. 2. a dish of such noodles, prepared with butter, cheese, and sometimes cream. ╂[< Italian fettuccine, plural of… … Useful english dictionary


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  • Lettres de mon moulin, Alphonse Daudet. Le Sous-Pr&# 233;fet aux champs, Le Cur&# 233; de Cucugnan, La Ch&# 232;vre de M. Seguin: comme La Fontaine, Grimm ou Perrault, Daudet poss&# 233;dait le don supr&# 234;me du conteur qui est… ПодробнееКупить за 382 руб
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Ferroelectric Semiconductor